
Custom Sports Mouthguards in Greenville, SC

If you or your child play sports, you need a sports mouthguard. Dr. Adam Carraway provides custom sports mouthguards as a preventive dental care treatment to his patients in Greenville, SC. Mouthguards are worn to protect the teeth during contact sports, including football, lacrosse, soccer, and basketball. Sports mouthguards are required for any sport where there is a chance of contact between players.

Wearing a mouthguard protects the teeth from injury and even loss.

Benefits of Mouthguards

Sports mouthguards not only protect the teeth from injury and loss. They can also reduce stress on the neck, protect the lower jaw, and minimize the risk of injuring the soft tissues in the mouth. Compared to store-bought mouthguards, professionally-made mouthguards are less likely to fall out during a game. Custom sports mouthguards conform to the teeth and feel comfortable to wear. Professional mouthguards also allow wearers to speak clearly.

Store-bought mouthguards are designed to be one size fits all. But this usually means that they don’t really fit anyone. You have to clench your mouth constantly to keep them in your mouth. You can’t communicate with your team or take quick water breaks without taking out your mouthguard. Constant clenching can also contribute to developing TMJ disorders. It puts stress on your jaw joint, causing it to deteriorate.

Professional Mouthguards

To create a custom sports mouthguard, we take custom dental impressions to ensure that the mouthguard will fit properly. We send the dental impressions to a local dental lab where the mouthguard is fabricated. Once the mouthguard is complete, we will make sure that it fits and feels comfortable.

Sports mouthguards can be cleaned with warm water and soap. Avoid washing your mouthguard with hot water because this can warp the plastic. After the mouthguard is clean, it can be stored in its ventilated case.

Mouthguards and TMJ

Some patients may think that sports mouthguards can be worn to combat symptoms of TMJ disorders because they are similar to night guards. However, this is untrue. Professional sports mouthguards are made of a different material that is thicker than night guard material. Night guards are used to keep the teeth in the proper position and prevent them from grinding together. Sports mouthguards protect the teeth from injuries during sports. If you grind your teeth at night, call us to receive a night guard.

Sports mouthguards are made of a thicker, lighter material. They’re a bit bulkier and are designed to absorb shocks and trauma. Night guards are made of a thinner material and are very form-fitting. They prevent the teeth from grinding together, but they’re not meant to absorb shocks. If you wear either of these mouthguards to treat a condition that’s not what they’re meant for, you can damage both your teeth and the guard itself.

Why Mouth Guards Matter

Dental mouth guards are far more than simple protective devices; they play a critical role in safeguarding oral health and overall well-being. These versatile tools offer a range of benefits that extend well beyond their immediate purpose.

Firstly, dental mouth guards are essential for protecting teeth during physical activities and contact sports. Whether it’s a football game or a recreational bike ride, accidents can happen, often resulting in sudden impacts to the face. A well-fitted mouth guard acts as a shock absorber, reducing the risk of broken teeth, lip lacerations, and even concussions. This preventive measure not only prevents potential dental emergencies but also saves individuals from enduring painful and costly dental procedures.

Secondly, mouth guards are crucial for managing bruxism – the unconscious clenching and grinding of teeth, often during sleep. Bruxism can lead to enamel erosion, tooth sensitivity, and jaw pain. Dental mouth guards create a cushioning barrier between the upper and lower teeth, dissipating the force of grinding and protecting teeth from damage. By addressing bruxism, mouth guards alleviate discomfort, preserve dental structures, and contribute to long-term oral health.

Moreover, mouth guards improve sleep quality by reducing the noise and impact associated with bruxism. The disruptive sound of teeth grinding can disturb not only the individual but also their sleep partner. By minimizing these disturbances, mouth guards promote more restful sleep, leading to better overall health and daytime functioning.

Another significant advantage of dental mouth guards lies in their ability to prevent temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders. Properly aligned mouth guards help maintain a balanced bite, reducing strain on the TMJ and decreasing the likelihood of painful disorders. By promoting healthy jaw alignment, mouth guards contribute to comfortable jaw movement and lessen the risk of chronic jaw pain and dysfunction.

Ultimately, dental mouth guards play a pivotal role in enhancing overall well-being. They empower individuals to participate confidently in physical activities, protect teeth from unexpected trauma, manage bruxism-related issues, ensure peaceful sleep, and prevent TMJ disorders. The importance of mouth guards transcends their physical applications, influencing aspects of health, comfort, and quality of life. By choosing to use dental mouth guards, individuals proactively invest in their oral health and embrace a comprehensive approach to their overall wellness.

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